We have two worship services each Lord’s Day (Sunday): 10 AM and 4:30 PM.
Our building is located at 124 Craig Street, Russell.
Our building is a one-storey, ground-level building, making it accessible to wheelchairs, walkers, and strollers. There is a wheelchair-accessible washroom.
Hearing assistive technology is available for anyone with hearing-impairment. If this would benefit you, please ask for a receiver. We also have several large-print psalters available.
If you have questions or concerns about accessibility, please contact us via our online contact form.
Are you interested in joining us this Sunday? We hope so!
Worship begins at 10 AM and 4:30 PM and is usually preceded by the singing of a psalm. Psalm books (The Book of Psalms for Worship) and Bibles (NIV, 1984) are available. We sing Psalms acapella (i.e., without instruments) led by a precentor. To hear a sample of acapella Psalm-singing, check out Psalter.org.
Worship services include prayer, reading the Word of God, preaching, and singing. Following the sermon, the deacons collect tithes and offerings. This is an opportunity for God’s people to give back to Him a portion of what He has given to us. Please note: we don’t require our visitors to make a donation; give as the Lord lays it on your heart.
A nursery is available for young children. However, please note that children of all ages are very welcome to stay in worship. After the morning service, we enjoy refreshments and fellowship. Please stay, have a coffee, and let us get to know you!